Sunday, December 28, 2014

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is a Greatest Hits!

Hellego! Yesterday, I went to Best Buy and finally picked up Lego Marvel Super Heroes the video game for PlayStation 3! I got it on sale for 15$ instead of 25$ because of the boxing week sales. I am very happy to have been able to get this game for such a good price.

When I got to the rack with all the copies of the game, at the front there was one, regular copy of the game but behind it was a bunch of new red cased Greatest Hits copies! These have just come out and I wanted to write about this because I think it's so cool that this game has been so successful that it is now considered by PlayStation as being part of the Greatest Hits! I have been enjoying this game so much and I think Lego did an amazing job on it and they deserve this special case. It's not every day that a game gets to be considered a greatest hit!

So if you don't have the game yet, I highly suggest you go and get it while it's on sale. The sale ends January 1st. If you get it, make sure you get the new special Greatest Hits copy!

What do you think? Do you think this game deserves to be a greatest hit? Leave your opinion in the comment section!

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